Your Giver Army Q1 Impact Report

Our Charity sets up unique funds throughout the year to address growing needs among certain communities. These funds may assist individuals dealing with the repercussions of certain disasters or crises, or they may focus on groups of individuals who are finding themselves in difficult times.

Our “Secret Admirer’s” Fund provided funds to single parents with active campaigns during the Valentine’s Day season.

Our “Help A Veteran” Fund is continuing to provide essentials funding to campaigns started by American Veterans.

Our “Texas Wildfire Relief” Fund is helping assist those who lost their homes or belongings during the recent wildfires.

With these funds, we provided financial assistance to 4 campaigns set up by single parents (check out our social media pages for more information), and we are now assessing multiple campaigns for veterans in need and those impacted by the wildfires. Stay updated with our impact by following us on social media or visiting our Impact Report on

The Lancaster Snow Angels provide free snow removal for the elderly, mobility-impaired, and special needs community members in Lancaster County, PA, who cannot afford it. Their volunteers, who fund gas, equipment, and salt from their pockets, are struggling to keep up with the demand for their services during an active winter. The Giver Army Grant will help them purchase gas cards, salt, metal shovels, and small snow blowers for easier transport. Additionally, the grant will assist in acquiring essential equipment, including snow blowers, trailers, a 4-wheeler with a plow, and an older model truck with a plow, to expand their services and reach more people in need.

Thank you so much for the much needed grant for The Lancaster Snow Angels! We are beyond grateful and this grant will go to providing better equipment and materials to the hands of our volunteers.” – The Lancaster Snow Angels

Your support helped Beth, a single mother, and her son Travis, who has an inoperable brain tumor, keep a roof over their heads during their challenging journey. Despite facing financial hardship and Travis’s health struggles, Beth remains resilient. Your donation, sharing, prayers, or care made a difference in their lives, providing them with much-needed support and relief. Thank you for being a part of helping this family in need.

“This donation means so very much to me and I KNOW it will mean the world to Beth and Travis. I have dreamt of being able to fix their situation and was so sad when I realized people were not donating for their cause. There is nothing worse than having something wrong with your child and to worry about surviving financially and struggling to buy food and keep a roof over your head at the same time should NEVER be an issue. Thank you so much for helping them!! – I pray this money will give her some hope that things will be ok. “

The Giver Army Grant supported Beth and Zachary Reinert in installing electricity and water to their trailer site in Crystal, NV, and purchasing a trailer that doesn’t leak. Your donation ensured they had the funds needed for these crucial improvements. Despite facing significant hardships and losses, including a car accident and multiple totaled vehicles, Beth and Zachary are now in a better living situation thanks to your generosity. Your support has made a tangible difference in their lives, providing them with much-needed stability and hope for the future

“GRATEFUL is an understatement! I am humbled by your generosity. Zach and Beth deserve the world and you have contributed to that! Thank you so incredibly much!!”

“Zach and Beth have been struggling. Constantly being knocked down with unfortunate events that prevent them from getting anywhere close to having electricity and water installed for their trailers.  They feel as if God has abandoned them. They need all the help they can get.  They both give their time and sweat equity to others but never receive help in return. I’m trying to get them a great return for their kindness!  Please help make this fundraising link go viral!”

The Giver Army Grant supported Matthew, an agro-ecologist and permaculture activist, in developing the Mattlawie Ecological Regenerative Center in Ghana. Over the past five years, Matthew has been dedicated to creating a regenerative eco-village to address issues such as pollution, food security, and community harmony. The center has already made a significant impact, donating over 1000 seedlings to local schools, planting 500 trees, and running a community soccer program for 70 children. With your donation, Matthew aims to expand the center’s reach by purchasing land for an eco-village and acquiring tools, equipment, and soccer gear. Your support helps create a ripple effect of positive change in Ghana and beyond. Thank you for contributing to this sustainable initiative!

“We sincerely appreciate your donation which will greatly benefit our community. Your trust in us is valued and we are committed to maximizing the impact of your generous contribution. Thank you for supporting our mission. Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. Proverbs 19:17 – May God richly bless you all”

Your support helped Threads for Success, a Detroit-based non-profit, empower young men from Metro Detroit through their annual program. This program offers coaching sessions, mock interviews, and role-playing scenarios to enhance skills and build confidence. Threads for Success aims to expand its impact by suiting up to 100 young men and introducing a $500 scholarship component in 2024. Your donation directly impacts these young men, providing them a suit and scholarship opportunity. Thank you for considering a donation to support this impactful program.

“Dear Giver Army Team,

We are deeply honored and grateful to receive the generous grant from your charity for our Threads for Success campaign. Your support means the world to us and will make a significant impact on our mission to empower underprivileged students in the Detroit area.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to each and every donor who contributed to this campaign. Your generosity not only provides financial assistance but also spreads hope and light to those who need it most. Together, we are making a real difference in the lives of these young individuals, offering them opportunities for growth, empowerment, and success.

I am truly touched by the kindness and compassion shown by the Giver Army community. Your dedication to spreading radical generosity inspires us all to make a difference in the world. Thank you for believing in our cause and for your support.

With sincere gratitude,

Matthew Vazana

Threads for Success

Your contribution to the Giver Army Grant is supporting Teen Reach Adventure Camps (T.R.A.C.), providing a safe and supportive summer camp experience for teenagers from hard places. With separate boys’ and girls’ camps and a counselor-to-camper ratio of 1:2, Teen Reach aims to help teenagers develop self-worth, trust, and a sense of being loved. Camp activities include archery, kayaking, swimming, and team-building challenges, fostering meaningful relationships and teaching valuable life skills. Your donation helps offer this camp free of charge to at-risk teens in Kitsap County and neighboring areas, giving them hope for the future. Thank you for making a difference in these teenagers’ lives!

The Giver Army Grant supported a married couple facing financial hardship due to the high cost of daycare for their children. With a 7-year-old boy, a 3-year-old girl, and a new baby on the way, they struggle to make ends meet on low-paying jobs. A Best Choice, a provider of ultrasounds, aims to alleviate some of their financial burdens by seeking donations to help cover daycare expenses. Your donation helped provide this family the support and relief they desperately need during this challenging time. Thank you for donating and spreading the word to help this family.

From the Campaign Owner:
Dear Giver Army,

We are less than a week away from our first camp of the summer and are so grateful for you partnering with us to provide HOPE to the deserving young men and women we serve 🙂 Thank you so very much for your generous donation. 

We have 16 girl campers registered and 15 boys! (Our max is 16 campers per camp). We also have 20 new volunteers this year, making our staff 68 strong 🙂 This is our first year as directors, so we appreciate any prayers you can send our way. Our Girl’s Camp is July 19-21 and Boy’s Camp is July 26-28. 

This is also our first year with a fundraising campaign, so we are grateful for an organization like yours to help us meet our goals. Thanks so much for all you do! We wish you all the best!

God bless,

Daniel & Kate Holland

Camp Directors 

The Giver Army Grant supported a ministry dedicated to showing God’s love to foster children who have experienced abuse and neglect. This ministry invests time, energy, and financial resources to provide these children with a week of love and care. Your prayerful support has helped make this impactful week a reality for Low-Country and South Carolina foster children. Thank you for supporting this meaningful ministry.

“Thank you so much for supporting our camp for 6-12 year old foster children.  They miss out on so many things children take for granted.  Our camp helps them feel the love of Jesus and understand that they were each fearfully and wonderfully made.  Thanks for making a difference.” You can learn more about them HERE!

Your support helped a disabled senior citizen facing eviction due to financial struggles after caring for her father and dealing with a mountain of debt. She still faced eviction despite selling her childhood home and losing most of her belongings. Your donation provided the necessary funds to avoid eviction and provided some relief in a difficult situation. Thank you for your generosity and support.

Your support helped a member of the First Alliance Church Greenhouse residents travel to Albania for a mission trip. They partnered with international workers in the Vlashaj community and Jeta community center, offering various activities and aid programs. This experience is invaluable for their personal growth and potential future work in mission administration. Thank you for your prayers and financial support in making this mission trip possible.

“Thank you so much for choosing me as a recipient of this grant and supporting me and my teammates in our work in Albania! We are so grateful for all that have come along, and that includes you, such an unexpected blessing! May God continue to use you and bless you as you partner with what He’s doing in and through others. Once again, thank you so much!”

Your support helped an individual battling with workmans comp and struggling to make ends meet while caring for their sick poodle. Due to limited work capacity and pain, they can only manage a few weekly grooming sessions to make ends meet. Your donation and support provided financial relief and assistance during this challenging time for her sick poodle. Thank you for helping this person and their beloved pet.

Your support helped fund a missions trip to Brazil with Street Life Ministries for an individual deeply impacted by their previous trip. This upcoming two-week journey in June will allow them to continue sharing their testimony and touching lives in Brazil. They are confident that God will provide, and they invite friends and family to be part of this mission by praying and contributing to their mission fund. Thank you for considering support for this meaningful opportunity.

The Giver Army Grant sponsored a second ultrasound machine and the training of two additional ultrasound sonographers for the New Beginnings Pregnancy and Resource Center. This 501(c)(3) organization has provided compassionate care and practical assistance to women and families facing unplanned pregnancies in Clark County for 35 years, with a recent expansion into Bourbon County. The grant will help them continue offering free ultrasounds, pregnancy tests, parenting classes, and essential baby supplies.

Your support to the Giver Army Grant is helping Ninja Kids provide a unique Ninpou curriculum for children to study at home, promoting self-assurance, decision-making skills, and strength. This program offers a path to a 1st degree Black Belt level in Ninpo, tailored for homeschooling kids and those wanting to learn at their own pace. Despite financial challenges, Ninja Kids continues offering free weekly videos to empower children worldwide. Thank you for being a part of this empowering journey!

Dear Giver Army,

Through your VERY kind donation I will try to do my best to help families in need learn self-defense, spiritual values and general knowledge, as well as have my motivation and example; as a child lost my father to a political terrorist attack. He was a good man, a Harvard graduate who was good to his family and people.

I grew up traumatized by this, as well as abuse by 2 family members and others, since I became very shy and skinny. I hardly weighed 73 pounds when I was sent to a JROTC Baptist Academy in Texas, there I also suffered bullying but was also comforted and guided by staff and officers.

I started drugs at age 13, had already 2 alcohol overdoses by 10. I have had 2 attempts on my life, a woman had an abortion from me without telling me, was in Mexico City street gangs for several years and many more exremely traumatizing situations. I have also lived in 5 countries, speak 4 languages and my experience is unique on both bad and good. An old monk at a Franciscan monastery (where I went several times, to get myself together while recovering from alcoholism – 28 years, 100% sober and drug free) told me that this is a treasure I hold and that God had saved my life, so I could share it.

Thanks to God, Christ, martial arts and to my mentor Hatsumi Masaaki, I have developed a personality and character of resilience and persevere. My main goal is to share this knowledge, experience with children thru their parents (homeschool) so that no other boy or girl goes thru the Hell I’ve lived. Only Faith and Ninpo hold me strong, since I have gone thru some very demanding tests and experiences.

Be assured that every penny you’ve donated to our project will help God and Good over Evil.

– Domo arigato!! (Thank you!!!) -Rick Gonzalez

Your support to the Giver Army Grant is aiding the State Defense Force Foundation’s fundraising campaign to support the Tennessee State Guard. The Tennessee State Guard, a volunteer organization, assists the Tennessee National Guard during state emergencies. Your donation helps provide essential gear, equipment, and training, ensuring the State Guard is better equipped to safeguard communities without financial strain on its volunteers. Join us in supporting those who selflessly serve their state!

*All selected campaigns must go through our verification process to make sure the funds will be used as described in the campaign; they must prove that efforts have been made to raise funds within their community and must be considered “charitable in nature,” meaning the expressed needs fall under one of our 12 Charitable Causes.

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    Giver Army

    In the Giver Army, our mission is to create a trusted and inclusive platform that empowers individuals, regardless of their donation size, to make a meaningful impact through regular giving. By leveraging crowdfunding and social media, we foster a culture of generosity and compassion, providing a reliable avenue for giving to charitable endeavors and people in need.
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