Your Giver Army Q2 Impact Report

Dear Giver Army,

We are thrilled to share with you the profound impact your generosity has had on those in desperate need. Each story below highlights the heart-wrenching struggles and triumphant resilience of individuals and families who have benefited from your selfless donations. From a survivor of domestic violence finding safety, to a tiny house village for abuse victims, to a beloved mare’s recovery, and more—your contributions have brought hope and relief in countless ways. As you read through these inspiring stories, let Matthew 6:3 remind you of the power and beauty of giving: “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.” Your support has changed lives, often without you knowing the faces or names of those you’ve helped. We invite you to journey through these heartfelt stories and see the incredible difference your compassion has made.

Click on each photo to be directed to their full campaign hosted on

Thank you for your unwavering support and generosity.

Our Giver Army provided Tammy Moore with a Barnabas Fund Grant of $500! Tammy is raising funds to advance her home canning business, which she started using her grandmother’s recipes. Despite being on disability, Tammy has successfully developed a variety of 10 different products. She now aims to sell these goods at local farmers markets to supplement her disability income. This grant will help her cover the expenses for a vendor booth, a Texas Food Handlers card, and the essential labeling and marketing needed to move into the next phase of her business. Your support helps Tammy on her journey to self-reliance and productivity.

From the Recipient:

God is Good All the Time! Praise God for blessings. Praise God for GiveSendGo and the Giver Army. This generous gift is doing great things for my endeavor. I have ordered several of the labels needed and Thank You stickers. I have the date stamp. I will be getting my food handlers card on Wed. And today I am working on another batch of pickles.

Locally there are 3 different Farmer’s Markets, a monthly market and 2 weekly markets. My goal is to be ready for a booth at the weekly market on 8-3-24, followed by the monthly market on 8-10-24.

Much more to get done before that, but So much progress, I am so excited. I am so grateful to God and the blessed donors.

Thank you again for your kindness. Words alone seems so inadequate.

Our Giver Army provided Colleen Layton with a Pro-Life Grant of $1000! Colleen is raising funds to support herself and her six-year-old son after escaping a harrowing situation of domestic violence in Florida. She moved back to her hometown in Norwalk, Connecticut, to rebuild their lives. Despite immense challenges, including legal battles, financial struggles, and the trauma of her past, Colleen has shown incredible resilience. This grant will help her cover essential living expenses and attorney fees, allowing her to stabilize their situation and continue her journey towards healing and independence. Your support is crucial in helping Colleen and her son stay together and safe.

From The Campaign Owner: “I honestly don’t know how to thank you enough. I see things like this happen to other people and never imagined in 1 million years a miracle like this would happen to me. I started going to church seven weeks ago after about 15 years, I was so broken and didn’t know where to turn. They promised me miracles were gonna happen. It was so hard to believe it. They started giving me food and moral support and words of guidance and I listened. I am one who pays it forward even when I have nothing. I tried to do for others as much as I possibly can never expect anything in return. Church told me to swallow my pride and ask for help when I lost my job. My trauma started coming back and I got very depressed. I didn’t see a way out. I gave temporary custody to my brother so that my son would constantly still be getting the hundred percent love and care, and try to make the transition. I’ve lowered the amount on the donations needed because I was afraid nobody was donating because it was too much to ask that I am about to be paid crunched the numbers and I still won’t be I go without eating. I definitely don’t get any sleep and I can’t this army for the help that they are offering because I was about to give up a woman at church. The other day told me that God shows up on time the prayers mean so much to me. It is hard for me to get my words out because I do still have a minor TBI caused by all the abuse, but if this is real, I can’t even think of the right words to thank you guys. My landlord was about to give up on me. Things were just getting worse and worse and worse, and actually somebody who went to prison for on a pregnant woman, my son is so afraid that he’s gonna get sent to Florida and he is the most bright, smart, loving, caring boy I have ever seen in my life. He is taking this with Grace. I spend as much time with him as possible. I’m trying to get a second job and the third job and do whatever I have to do , all he wants to do is come home. I barely sleep at night because I get up and I go to see to check on him in his room and realize he still not home. I am running out of time and my little boy needs to come home. I’m going to continue doing my part and work as much as I possibly can now that I gained the job then I’m gonna find another one. I have to put all this in order to get him back with me and give him everything you deserves now I don’t have food in the refrigerator and it’s OK. I spend most of my time trying to figure out what I am going to do to catch up on all these bills, my rent and my lawyer fees so that he doesn’t have to go anywhere , and I can’t believe it does not happen to me and this is such an amazing miracle and blessing. I can’t even express the feelings that I’m going through right now almost feel like it’s too good to be true. I’ve been let down so many times and this is real , I know it is God‘s work because I have been his soldier and I have been trying to do for him every day of my life and I know he doesn’t want to see me suffer like this nor want to see my son suffer like this I am so grateful for anybody who takes the time to read this, and I am beyond grateful for the army to come together and believe and help me in the way that they have. I never would’ve imagined in 1 million years that people would care that much or understand the pain that I’m going through when I’m at work. It is so much easier to keep my mind occupied when I am alone in this apartment without my baby it’s hard to do anything. GiveSendGo, I just want to express my gratitude in the best way I know how and that is just the thank you from the bottom of my heart and to promise to you and to God that it is not a mistake. I’ve learned to swallow my pride and God knows my child belongs with me He has never been away from me like this and it has been going on three months. I have two months to come up with everything to fix things perfectly so he doesn’t have to go anywhere and he can continue in his schooling where He excels”UPDATE: “I just want to thank GiveSendGo in the army all of my things from the bottom of my heart and let you guys know that I am doing everything on my part. I just desperately need this boost, or I will not make it and neither will my son, it is a very serious situation. I’m sending love light and blessings to everybody and to the army. You have me believing in miracles again thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Our Giver Army provided the Daughter Project with a Rescue and Rehabilitation Grant of $1000! Jennifer Jensen created this campaign to support the Healing Walk, an outdoor therapeutic environment for young girls at the Daughter Project Girls Home (DPGH) in Kern County, California. The DPGH serves girls aged 12-17 who have been affected by human trafficking, providing 24/7 care and services. This grant will help create a serene outdoor space to promote healing and serenity. Your support is making a significant impact on the lives of these vulnerable girls. Remember, is a great place to set up a campaign for causes closest to your heart.

From The Campaign Owner: “Thank you SO much for gifting us with grant funding for our new healing walk! We are very excited to move to our new semi-rural, peaceful location with lots of outdoor space. Your funding will help us prepare the healing walk that will go around the perimeter of our 2.4 acre space. The young girls we serve, survivors of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation, deserve all of the love and care we can provide in order to heal. They are as precious to God as our own.” UPDATE: “Last week, we welcomed a 13 year old girl into our care. She had been exploited and has suffered from complex trauma. Please pray with us as she begins the healing process and gets ready to return to a family level of care. Thank you!!”

Our Giver Army provided Alaina Green with an Essentials for Life Grant of $1000! Nancy Jones started this campaign after Alaina and her family lost everything in a devastating house fire. While Alaina, Joe, and their kids made it out safely, they tragically lost their pets and all their possessions. This grant will help them begin to rebuild their lives from scratch. Your support is crucial during this incredibly difficult time, providing immediate relief and hope to Alaina and her family.

Thank you

Our Giver Army provided Miranda Philips with an Animal Rescue and Care Grant of $500 to support Honey, a young mare who endured severe neglect. Honey has suffered from multiple tail fractures, nerve damage, and severe scalding on her legs due to incontinence, among other health issues. Despite these challenges, Honey is showing remarkable resilience and has started to stabilize with the help of painkillers, ulcer preventatives, and antibiotics. The grant will help cover Honey’s extensive medical and care costs, ensuring she receives the necessary treatments and daily care to improve her quality of life. Your support is crucial in giving Honey a chance at recovery and a better future.

Thank you

Our Giver Army provided Billy Barber with a Crisis Response Grant of $1000! Billy lost everything when a tornado struck Valley View, Texas. He had moved into his fifth wheel to be closer to his five-year-old son after a separation, only to have it completely destroyed by the storm. Despite the devastation, Billy is thankful to be alive. This grant will help him start rebuilding his life and support the Valley View community during this difficult time. Your generosity is making a significant impact in helping those affected by the tornado.

Thank you

Our Giver Army provided Tony and Chelsie Smidl with a Pro Life Grant of $1000 to support their newborn daughter, Willow Grace, who was born with severe Right-Sided Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH). Willow has faced incredible odds with a 10-20% chance of survival, but she has shown remarkable strength and resilience. She has made significant progress toward undergoing life-saving surgery. Even after the surgery, Willow is expected to stay in the NICU for many months. This grant will help the Smidl family with gas money, missed wages, medical deductibles, and other expenses during this challenging time. Your support and prayers are invaluable as Willow continues to fight and improve. Willow Strong, Faith Over Fear.

From the Campaign Owner:

Chelsie and I were very suprised and honored to receive yet another one of Gods blessings with the grant from the Giver Army. God has answered our prayers at least 4 times through miracles for the first few weeks of Willows life and since then has been keeping her and us wrapped in his hands. The stress of finances has been slowly reduced thanks to gracious angels like yourselves. My wife chelsie runs an in home daycare and we have 4 other children ages 2-10.

We have had normal births up until now and didn’t expect to lose all her daycare income as we didn’t know if Willow would make it but now that it’s clear she’ll come home at some point we cannot risk more diseases in the house so she needed to quit her daycare job to be able to watch Willow. We’re expecting a lot of expenses not only this year between the daily gas, food on the go with our family, and medical expenses yet to come in her life as her journey and return to home is many months away.

Willows condition is right-sided congenital diaphragmatic hernia and is a severe case meaning her hole in her diaphragm was very large. As a result of this, her combined lung size was very small and her liver (a very hard organ that doesn’t share space well) was up above her diaphram. It also commonly causes Pulmonary Hypertension which means high blood pressure in the lungs and can affect the heart. The goal for CDH babies is to prepare for surgery to repair asap the hernia hole once breathing is somewhat stable post delivery. In Willows case she made progress week 1 & 2 of life in the NICU to move to the ventilator for surgery only to decline 5 hours before surgery all the way back to a last resort option of ECMO life support surgery that almost cost her life. ECMO is a lung & heart bypass which is inserted in the neck and uses the main artery that goes to the right side of your brain and runs the blood through machines with blood thinners and when the line starts to clot can cause strokes in babies or bleeding the brain when they are so young.

She was able to have a successful repair surgery a few days later but then ran into more complications such as abdominal compartment syndrome (blood building up in belly) and needing 15 total blood volumes before miraculously her bleeding slowed and stopped. In total she made it through 7 surgeries in that week and then stabilized enough to come off ECMO and back to the NICU. The last few weeks she’s recoverved nicely, has been extubated and reintubated as her little lungs continue to grow and she develops.

The upcoming 2-6 month roadmap for Willow contains three major milestones before returning home which are 1) to wean of sedations and managing withdrawals of chemicals the last month she’s gotten used to, 2) her lungs grow enough to wean ventilation support with extubation again and ultimately lower oxygen requirements, and finally 3) gaining weight with her feeds, bottle feeds once extubated.

She will be at high risk over the next few years especially virus heavy winter time frame with her small lungs and pulmonary hypertension. Her lungs can grow up until the age of 8 and as they grow both internally and externally her hypertension should subside as will her risks.

She has overcame all of this so far but and is cognitively still normal and despite all the risks she has beaten the odds with all of Gods support, our communities prayers and the great staff at children’s hospital.

“Faith over Fear” has been a big theme on her journey because we had fears leading up to her May 21st induction finding about her condition back at the 20 week scan, learning about what to expect, then living those scenarios via birth day events, crazy days that followed, nightmares that followed, and fear of unknowns with 7 surgeries. Throughout each fearful moment with Willow (of the many), we turned to Faith and even at the final moments when she was near death where we felt between a rock and hard place, (ECMO clots & bleeding out), Faith is what we leaned on. There can come a time when you may find yourself in that position in life, and so we pray through her example and the miracle from God is a reason why you should rely on faith over fear.

Some quotes during her journey last few weeks I want to share in her unbelievable recovery. Chills…

– When a surgeon tells you “we’ve done all we medically could do to this point, if you have faith best you pray because that’s all we can hope for”, 2 days later… “wow your prayers must have really worked!”

– “99.9% sure we’ve checked everything”, “<1% chance we will find what’s bleeding and get it to stop”, “blood is coming from everywhere and there are many compartments in her abs to find the source” “shocked when we looked for the bleeding”

– “if we don’t find anything in the next hour and stop we’d dress her up nicely and take pictures with the family before letting her go compassionately”

– “I will not let her die without your wife holding her in her arms”, “you have the next 20 min with your baby you can talk to her”, “best you meet your wife downstairs to bring her up here yourself”

– To now, “isn’t it simply amazing?”, “we will never forget her”

As of writing this July 1st, she’s weaning off her sedations every other day with withdrawals, hoping to extubate a 2nd time later in the month and do bottle feeds next few months. It’s a marathon and they are not rushing her, we are in it for the long haul. God is great!

Our Giver Army provided Andi Leas with a Justice for All Grant of $1000! Andi is facing a terrifying ordeal as she fights to protect her three-year-old daughter from her abusive, drug-addicted father. Despite relocating to find safety and peace, Andi is now battling a custody lawsuit brought on by her daughter’s father, who has obtained formidable legal representation. As a single mother with limited resources, Andi is struggling to afford the legal defense necessary to safeguard her daughter. This grant will help her hire the legal support she needs to ensure her daughter remains in a safe, stable, and loving environment, free from fear and abuse. Your prayers and contributions are crucial in supporting Andi and her daughter during this difficult time.

From The Campaign Owner: “Thank you so much for your donation. God bless you!”

Our Giver Army provided Samantha Chapman with a Medical Relief Grant of $500! Samantha’s two-year-old daughter, Gracie, was diagnosed with optic pathway glioma, causing blindness in her right eye and partial blindness in her left. The family is facing significant financial strain due to the costs of Gracie’s chemotherapy treatments and frequent travel to appointments. This grant will help them pay bills, keep food in the house, and cover gas expenses for future appointments. Your support is invaluable in helping Samantha and her family navigate this challenging time and focus on Gracie’s treatment and recovery.

From The Campaign Owner: “My family and I wanted to thank each and everyone of you! Today was a struggle for us , we were low on food and gas. Worrying when we were going to get some relief and here it is. The prayer we’ve been asking for. Thank you so so much for everything you do for us and other families. We are truly blessed to have people like you all in our lives.” UPDATE: “Gracie has recently had MRI , and the tumors haven’t gotten any bigger but they are stable. Please keep my family in your prayers , as we go through this journey.”

Our Giver Army provided Rockwell Woolford with a Faith Based Grant of $1000! Rockwell and his team of five, including his son Nathanael, Wally Meehan, and Simon & Enoch Lam, are heading to Southeast Asia to support two long-term missionary families. They will be conducting vital technical and mechanical work, such as repairing vehicles, installing solar panels, and running electrical wiring in the missionaries’ homes. Additionally, they will provide civil and structural engineering assistance for the school and home structures. This grant will help cover travel expenses and support the construction of the Charis School, which aims to provide literacy and a Christian worldview to an unreached people group. Your support is crucial in aiding these missionaries and advancing their important work. Please keep them in your prayers for safety and success in their mission.

From The Campaign Owner: “I am incredibly encouraged to receive this very surprise gift from The Giver Army! Give send go has been a tremendous blessing in assisting us to raise the funding for a Short term mission trip to Southeast Asia! I never expected a very generous donation like this from people who I don’t even know. It’s such a blessing to know that there are groups like this that support us as our endeavor for the gospel goes forth! Thank you, thank you, thank you for blessing us in the way that you have! We are so thankful to God for generous people like you guys! To God be the glory and may Jesus shine through everything we do!” UPDATE: “Because of the generosity of many people, brothers and sisters, as well as dear friends, we have been able to acquire all five round-trip tickets, AND have money left over for the unknown as we travel halfway around the world for this gospel endeavor! We desire to glorify Jesus and make Him known amongst those who haven’t heard about Him! May God lead us, guide us, protect us as we go. TGBTGA!”

Our Giver Army provided Keera Urick with a Current Emergencies Grant of $1000! Keera is in a desperate situation, with her car breaking down in Manning, SC, for the past three weeks. This has left her unable to work, which in turn has made it difficult to afford groceries, utilities, and medicine for her disabled, senior husband. Despite making over 300 calls for assistance, she has been unable to find help. This grant will assist in getting her car home and hopefully fixed, as well as providing some financial relief during this incredibly challenging time. Your support is making a significant difference in Keera’s life, helping her to navigate these difficult circumstances.

Thank You

Our Giver Army provided Janet Cucharo with an Essentials for Life Grant of $1000! Janet and her husband Bill, who suffers from severe COPD, are facing immense financial hardship. Their home is in desperate need of repairs, including siding and skirting, estimated to cost $30,000. Despite their best efforts and previous donations, they continue to struggle with daily living expenses and the added burden of Bill’s health issues. This grant will help them address their most urgent needs and provide some relief during this challenging time. Your support is vital in helping Janet and Bill maintain their home and well-being.

Thank you

Our Giver Army provided Healing Through Him Ministries with a Rescue and Rehabilitation Grant of $1000! Founded by Jessica Bradfield, a domestic abuse survivor, this ministry is dedicated to building a hidden tiny house village in the Texas Panhandle for domestic abuse victims, their children, and their pets. The mission is to break the cycle of abuse and provide a safe haven for those in crisis. This grant will support Phase 1 of the project, which focuses on creating a refuge for women escaping dangerous situations. Your support helps provide essential services like biblical counseling, safety plans, housing assistance, and much more, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for victims to rebuild their lives.

Thank you

Our Giver Army provided Robert W. Russell with an Animal Rescue and Care Grant of $500! Robert’s business, 2A TAC AIR Ops Drone Services, performs free or low-cost thermal drone searches for pets, humans, and livestock in the New Hampshire Seacoast and Southern Maine regions. They also assist local police and fire departments at no cost for life safety calls. Recently, they invested $20,000 in a new DJI Matrice 30T Thermal Drone to enhance their capabilities. This grant will help support their community-focused rescue efforts, allowing them to continue providing crucial services to those in need, regardless of their financial situation.

Thank you

YOU MADE IT TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE! You are one of our FAVORITES! Thank You for taking the time to review all of these fantastic campaigns. Your love for others is evident!

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